Thursday, September 6, 2012

Thirty Thursday's {2}

This weeks topic: Describe 3 legitimate fears you have and explain how they became fears.

1. I am afraid of the dark. I do not know why but, I hate darkness. Maybe it's a deeper, psychological or philosophical reason that I'm not aware of...or I'm just scared of the dark along with all other 10 year old girls....

2. I am afraid of uncontrolled water sources (oceans and rivers). They have the ability to suck you under and you have no control over the situation. What prompted this fear? When my family went to the ocean (or Gulf) when I was little we were boogie boarding and I got pulled under for hours (or 5 seconds) and it frightened me.

3. I am afraid of not getting the approval of those I care about. I guess I'm a people pleaser to a certain extent, mainly with my parents, Becky, Alex and other's that I'm very close to. 

1. I'm afraid of failure, for obvious reasons. Who wants to put effort into something and then scares me.

2. I'm afraid to lose people that I care about. Also for obvious reasons.

3. I'm sort of afraid of heights, but it's an adrenal rush that I like...I'm weird. 

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