Saturday, July 30, 2016

five years of wedded bliss

It seems like just yesterday and forever ago that this picture was taken. In the last five years our marriage has gotten stronger, more communicative, harder and easier at the same time. It's all very paradoxical, but my love, admiration and respect for Alex has only grown and gotten stronger. 

As newlyweds we made a five year plan and it included the typical house, dog, travel, baby and advancement of our careers. But, I could never have imagined how it would have played out in real life. I feel like the last five years have gone better we could have ever imagined and I wouldn't change a thing. I love you Alex and I am so thankful that you are kind, patient, hard working, dedicated, loving, God honoring and now a wonderful dad! Happy anniversary and I can't wait for what's ahead! 

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

margo: five months

Five months have flown by since our sweet Margo burst into the world! This month she has become so much more alert and engaging. She is getting so much stronger and according to the bathroom scale she still weighs 15 pounds and is now wearing 3-6 month clothes!

I say it every month, but I am so thankful for how happy and content Margo is. She has started staying awake and alert for longer stretches and it has made playing with her feel more like playing! She hasn't mastered any big, new milestones but she is improving her current lineup- she smiles and laughs more freely, rolls over every time we put her on her belly, plays with toys, can sometimes put her wubbanub pacifier back in, sit supported and has found her sweet, chubby feet. 

Last month she we struggled with a sleep regression, but we've come out on the other side (I hope I didn't just jinx it...).  Her schedule hasn't changed in the last month, so we've settled into a nice routine.  

There were a few chilly days on vacation, so we bought her a jacket...and conveniently Alex and I have matching jackets

Celebrating our friend Melinda's birthday, party hats and all!

Margo finally got to meet her Uncle Jim and Aunt Shannon!

She really did love the art museum, but that pout gets me every time!

Saturday, July 9, 2016

michigan city 2016

Last Friday we packed our bags, loaded our car and headed north to Lake Michigan. For the past few years we have spent the week of July 4th at the lake with my family and this year was just as fun as always! With Margo we had to be a little more strategic with our timing/packing/sleeping, but she was worth it and we all had a great time. We played, swam, shopped and lazed the week away in true vacation form and it was wonderful. We were all sad to see the week come to an end, but looking through pictures is almost as good...

I have succumbed to the world of Snapchat and Atley loved it!

Hanging out at the beach with my girl Nora

The house next door had bunnies for sweet and cuddly!

Back off ladies, he's all mine!

Matching on the beach