Thursday, November 26, 2015

happy thanksgiving

This year we have so much to be thankful for. God has richly blessed us and we are so grateful for everything He has provided. We are looking forward to spending time with family and friends and of course eating as much homemade goodness as possible. Have a happy and safe Thanksgiving!

Psalm 100
1 Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the Earth!
2 Serve the Lord with gladness! Come into his presence with singing!
3 Know that the Lord, he is God! It is he who made us, we are his; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.
4 Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise! Give thanks to him; bless his name!
5 For the Lord is good; his steadfast love endures forever, and his faithfulness to all generations. 

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

bumpdate: 22 weeks

I feel like time is flying by and going in slow motion at the same time. I am so excited for this little lady to arrive, but there is so much to be done before she makes her debut!
I think have started nesting. I have started sewing things for her, creating our registry and I have been organizing and getting rid of stuff we don't need or have any use for. I am by no means a pack rat, so I may or may not be searching for things to get rid of...don't leave anything you want to keep at our house. Otherwise you may be buying it back from Goodwill.
This weekend we plan to start getting her room ready. It has been in my mind for so long, I can't wait to see it come to life. We plan to touch up the paint, clean all the woodwork and go to everyone's favorite box store: Ikea, followed by Crate & Barrel, West Elm and Anthropologie (one of us may be more excited by this than the other). We already have her changing table, rug and most of the décor, so now it's time to find the finishing pieces. I'm sure pictures will come soon.
We had our final ultrasound and she is indeed a girl. The only way to confirm any further is for her to arrive and I think it would be quite the shock if she's not a she! Health wise, she is developing perfectly and has four heart chambers, two little thumbs, arms, legs, eyes and ears. The hygienist in me made sure her lips and palate were forming correctly and as far the ultrasound shows, there is no cause for concern.

I am still feeling well and full of energy. Cuties (little bitty oranges) are my favorite snack and bacon is still a no go...I've tried. My running (if you can call it that...I'm so slow) is good, but I've moved to the treadmill for fear of falling. I have also started feeling her move around and her kicks are getting strong enough that Alex can feel them too, which is quite exciting!
We are really looking forward to Thanksgiving next week and spending some time with family and friends. Thankfully this year I have my Thanksgiving pants ready to go.


Wednesday, November 4, 2015

bumpdate: 20 weeks

I'm halfway through this pregnancy! It has flown by so far but we have just as far to go before we get to meet this sweet little babe!

At our 20 week appointment I asked approximately two million questions and our midwife answered them all very patiently and thoroughly. We feel really comfortable and at ease with our choice in healthcare provider. She said the babe is growing perfectly and is right on track. The baby's heartbeat is strong and healthy and at this point there are no concerns with the pregnancy...phew!

I am still feeling really good and full of energy. I've been able to continue running but will probably switch to swimming for the winter months...running on the ice seems to increase my odds of eating pavement. Speaking of eating, I'm still not a fan of bacon but I'm not having any real cravings either, unless you count pizza but that was a preexisting condition.

We haven't started getting the baby's room ready yet, but it has been on my mind and I think we'll start working on it after Thanksgiving. We may have some holiday guests and it's always nice to have a bed for people to sleep in.

Oh, have I not mentioned we found out the gender?!? Here I am toying with your emotions referring to him/her as "the baby" this whole time... Alex was dying to find out so we went to the Ultrasound Zone in Glen Carbon. On the drive there Alex kept going back and forth whether or not he wanted a boy or a girl and was giving pros and cons to each. He was finally put out of his misery when the ultrasound tech said...

Sunday, November 1, 2015

october in pictures

October has always been the start of our busy season. Almost every weekend is busy and our week nights are full too. It doesn't seem to slow down until after the new year in January, but we wouldn't have it any other way. This month I took a lot of pictures, so enjoy these snippets of October!

We celebrated Atley's 1st birthday in Salem
We made it to16 weeks
(Don't tell anyone but we found out the gender!!) 

We went to the first game of the NLDS and watched the Cardinals bring home their last win of the season.
I had been looking for my Grandma's fudge recipe for quite awhile and finally found the last line on the recipe. It makes me laugh and miss my Grandpa even more.

Our high school students went to Homecoming and we got to stop by and see them before they danced the night away.

We finally made it to Ikea for a day date and Alex was a happy shopper.

Jansen stopped by to see us on her birthday! Happy 2nd birthday sweet girl!
Becky, Dad and I went to the Greater St. Louis Dental Society fall CE's together.
We ended the month by taking our High School students to Black, MO for a fall retreat- more details to come soon.
We had a great October and can't wait to see what November has in store for us! Alex is quite excited for Thanksgiving and I'm ready to the holiday season to begin.