Monday, September 22, 2014


My sister Becky is expecting her third little one any day now and to celebrate, we put together a little sprinkle honoring her and the babe.

Libby and I decided that the most fitting theme for this sprinkle would obviously be sprinkles! I ordered seven pounds of sprinkles and went to town! I had a lot of fun planning and organizing, while Libby put together the a very fun baby shower themed game of Jeopardy. I hole punched confetti and we dipped virtually everything in chocolate and sprinkles! We joked that it was good that Becky had already taken her glucose tests.

It was a good weekend and a fun party. Nora was a little confused about why we were giving her mom a baby shower- there was no baby yet and no shower. But, she managed to eat cake, sprinkle covered pretzels and chocolate/sprinkle popcorn all out of a sprinkle dipped waffle cone bowl. 

Our incredibly talented Mama made the baby this sweet little quilt!

We filled the balloons with confetti to continue the sprinkle trend and mid party my 6 year old nephew, Josiah, was playing with a balloon when it popped and covered him in confetti. To say he was surprised would be an understatement. After the other kids saw this phenomenon, they too wanted to pop the balloons. After the party ended I took the kids and the balloons outside to let them go to town; my parents now have a very festive backyard.   

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