Sunday, September 21, 2014

twenty five by twenty six

On Tuesday I will be 25 years old, it seems a little odd to me to say "twenty five". I've always thought that when you turn 25 you've got to have it all together and you have to be a real, mature adult-y adult. I'm living proof that that is just not the case. For Alex that number is 28. I'm sure I have matured and that I am somewhat adult-y, but I just don't quite feel like it... 

Anyway, this year I've compiled a list of 25 items/tasks that I would like to complete before I turn 26. I hope to chronicle my progress here so you can see how I'm doing. Without further ado, my twenty five:

1. Start a daily journal
2. Cook more often
3. Run another half marathon
4. Learn to knit or crochet
5. Go to Arkansas
6. Volunteer somewhere
7. Practice and become a better faux-tographer
8. Go to Kentucky
9. Host a dinner party
10. Celebrate Friendsgiving
11. Go to Oregon
12. Try sushi
13. Plant a lemon tree
14. Learn to hula hoop
15. Play sand volleyball
16. Learn to golf or at least play putt putt golf
17. Plant a real garden
18. Read 1 book per month (at least!)
19. Eat at a new restaurant
20. Go to Indiana
21. Finish our basement!
22. Ride on a tandem bicycle
23. Write and mail more letters
24. Redecorate a room in our house
25. Go to Tennessee

I don't know if I'll be able to accomplish everything, but I hope to cross at least most of them off! Wish me luck! 

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