Tuesday, August 12, 2014

rap songs + road trips

Alex and I enjoy taking road trips; we like the idea of packing up and driving into the wild blue yonder. It's as much as of an adventure as the trip itself. On our latest road trip, we were driving behind a nice, big, white Cadillac Escalade which got us thinking...

Escalades rose in popularity, in part, due to the rap industry. So, we decided that if rappers would rap about driving their electric cars or their Prius', they would be doing the world and environment a big favor. Gone would be the days of boasting about how big and flashy the Escalade is, but rather how quiet and efficient their Prius is.

I think we're going to take this to a record label and see if we can get some traction with this idea. We'll keep you posted. But, if you hear a new song about a compact electric or hybrid, it was our idea.

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