Monday, May 7, 2012 focus

I cannot do two things at once. Today I was trying to fill my glass with water from our fridge...while reading a yogurt label. Why was I reading this label for the 900th time, I do not know. Needless to say, there was water everywhere! In our bathroom, the cabinet doors under our sink open right at thigh level. I cannot brush my hair/teeth with the cabinet doors open without running into them. My left leg has a perpetual bruise. It's awesome. Alex jokes that it's high enough that people won't get suspicious. Last week I was trying to do homework while watching took four episodes of house hunters to fill out 20 questions. I'm that person who can't walk and chew gum at the same time.

Although, my inability to multitask is those of you without the black-and-blue can also pose a problem. I also try and fail at multitasking in my relationship with God. I try to do what I want and think that God will go along with it. But, ultimately His plans are better. I need to stop trying to do the "Abby" thing and focus on on what God wants. I need to strive to focus.

Isaiah 26: 3
You will keep him in perfect peace,
Whose mind is stayed on You,
Because he trusts in You.

Friday, May 4, 2012

I'm back...for real this time

Its been a month, or something crazy like that, since I've written...oops. But, I'm back and ready to attack! I may do a little less strive writing and a little more chattering on here and letting you know what's on my mind. I am all but one final away from being done with my undergrad!!!! I am so excited to see what God has in store for Alex and I. Yesterday I sent out 30 resumes to area dentists, so hopefully one will want/need me. I have learned a lot about trusting God and knowing his timing. Boards were good for me, in that respect. Oh, ps. I passed my clinical portion! Now I'm just waiting for the other two board exam results. Moving on, we have moved and are nicely settled. Someday I'll take pictures and post them. But, Alex is really enjoying his 5 minute commute and I love having so much more to do at our fingertips. That's all for today, maybe I'll be back tomorrow!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

...where have I been??

I feel like most of the blogs I've written lately have started with, "we've been crazy busy!" But, it's true.... We have moved and are settling in and it's becoming home! I really like it here and I'm excited to make new friends etc etc. Last night we went to dinner with some of Alex's friends that he went to school with. It was fun and nice to hangout with people our age. Today we're going in search of a new table! Wish us luck and I (hopefully) promise to get back to a regular blogging schedule...ish!

Friday, February 3, 2012

No, you didn't ask, but I'll tell you anyway.

What's going on in our lives, you ask?
Ok, so you didn't but let me tell you anyway!

School and work are pretty much consuming all of our productive hours. This semester is seriously flying by and I am definitely ok with it! I'm currently in the process of studying for my everyday courses, finding patients for clinic (tiny plug: If you smoke and haven't had your teeth cleaned in 5+ years, call the SIU Dental Hygiene Clinic and request Abby!). Oh, and studying for the biggest exam of my professional career. No big deal...   But, really did you know that Dentistry is the only medical profession that requires a written AND clinical board?!?!? I'm going to start questioning my doctors before they cut me open...remember C's get degrees....

Alex has been an insurance machine!! He's just selling, selling, selling! I'm very proud of how hard he works and  how positive he is 99% of the time! He has yet to complain about driving everyday, so I bite my tongue when I want to...

Moving on, I have found...well WIBI found it, but I bought it...a new devotional. It is by Sarah Young and it's called Jesus Calling: Enjoying Peace in His Presence. It is honestly like God has "written a love letter directly to you." It's definitely worth it and I love reading it! I look forward to reading it to Alex every night.

Continuing on... We're Moving!! Yippee! We're headed to Troy at the end of the Month. It's about five minutes from Alex's office. I am so excited, but also very nervous. While Alex's drive has been dramatically shortened, mine has been dramatically lengthened. I will now drive about two hours to Carbondale, three or four days a week. Yikes! BUT, it's only for 9 weeks! And then I will walk across the SIU Arena's Stage (at 1:30 on May 12th) with a diploma and no more commute!

I can't think of much else, but I know there is a lot swirling around in my head. I just want to give a little shout out to my Grandpa- Happy Birthday!! I love you and I can't wait to see you again!!
Also, safe travels to Wayne and Linda. They're abandoning Alex and I for, what would be our 6 year Super Bowl watching anniversary, to go see my cousins Stephen and Beth in Haiti! Enjoy and take pictures!

If I come up with anything else, don't'll read about it eventually!
