Thursday, November 8, 2012

Thirty Thursday's {11}

Week 11: Describe two pet peeves you have and why.

My current pet peeves-
1. Lights being left on. I don't know when I became the light police, but I hate when they're left on. Alex's excuse, "Moose is scared of the dark."   Really?! He's a dog!.....grrr
2. Dishes sitting in the sink for long periods of time. If you can put your dishes in the sink, how hard is it to rinse them off and put them in the dish washer? (This stems from college roommates. They thought we had a dish fairy.)

1. When people stand in the middle of the isle(s) in stores, ie: Wal-Mart, Target, etc. Move, how hard is it to scoot out of the way??
2. When people take far too long to email me back. It's instant, shouldn't you instantly respond?

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