Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Big 3-0

Not only is today Election Day, but it is also my sister's birthday!! She is the best 30 year old sister I've ever had and she's pretty fantastic too! As we have gotten older we've gotten very close and luckily Jared and Alex put up with us. She's my best friend. Someday I hope we can be next door neighbors like our mom and aunt and drink coffee  chai, raise kids, go shopping, scour pinterest for "original" ideas and do Zumba together.

I have an icing problem and the only time I get my icing fix is at Becky's house. We couldn't stand to let the left over icing go to waste, so she fed the icing to me- from the piping bag.
A more traditional, classy pose on vacation last summer. 
Happy Birthday Becky!!!
I love you.

1 comment:

  1. You are so sweet! Thanks for the bday post. I love you too!
