Thursday, August 30, 2012

Thirty Thursdays {1}

Our first of thirty! For a full description and list of Thirty Thursday's, click on the tab above.
Here we go and the the topic is: List 10 random facts about yourself (listed in no particular order): 

1. I like the color yellow, mainly because it's been my mom's favorite color forever.
2. I like to wear weird glasses that I stole permanently borrowed from a lab in college.
3. My favorite movies are old (circa 1940's-1960's).
4. I love Diet Coke.
5. My favorite subject in school was microbiology.
6. I hate showering (but, I conform to society on an almost daily basis).
7. I love my puppy and I'm becoming one of those people who only talk about their dog. (It's embarrassing)
8. I really, really, really enjoy cupcakes.
9. I have always wanted to become a pilot.
10. When I was little I also wanted to become a veterinarian, but my darling sister told me that I would have to stick my hand where the sun doesn't shine on cows and I immediately changed my mind...thanks Becky.

1. I have always wanted a motorcycle, because I'm cool.
2. I have a love for pepperoni and bacon pizza.
3. My golf game is directly correlated to my stress level.
4. I love the Rams, even though they're terrible.
5. I like taking the first turn when driving on a road trip- while Abby sleeps and isn't singing...
6. I enjoy sitting on our back deck.
7. I think that oatmeal creme pies and starcruch's are breakfast food.
8. There is never a bad time for pizza.
9. I enjoy my alone time.
10. I hate Swedish fish...they're disgusting.  

1 comment:

  1. Becky:
    1. 15 min of exercise kicked my butt today
    2. I could eat pizza every day and ice cream every night
    3. I LOVE candy
    4. I don't drink coffee, but sometimes I wish I did
    5. I wish I could get a pedicure every week
    6. I am truly enjoying sewing right now
    7. I wish I had curly hair
    8. I have only kissed one guy in my life :)
    9. I want to be a gymnast, like an Olympic gymnast 
    10. I love my family and being a mom

    1. I intend to be in bed at 9:30 every night, but it is always 10:30
    2. My wife won't give me cash because she thinks I just "eat" it 
    3. I want to go on a golf vacation
    4. I am a high paid babysitter 
    5-10.  I get bored when compiling a list past #5
