Wednesday, April 27, 2016

margo: two months

This girl is quite possibly the cutest human on the face of the planet. She has changed our world in the most wonderful way. She goes to the doctor for her 2 month check up on Monday so we'll get the official weight and length then, but for now according to our scale she's weighing in at a whopping 12 pounds!  

**Doctor's visit update (5/2/16)**
Our scale must be off at home because at the doctor's office this morning she weighed 11.2 pounds (54%ile), measured at 21 3/4 inches long (25%ile) and her little head was 36 1/2 iches (6%ile).  She was a champ for her shots and cried for a while but calmed down quickly. Thankfully Alex was there to hold her, because I am a wimp and sat in the corner. Other than that, her appointment went well and she's growing great and the doctor has no concerns. 

Some of her favorite past times are long walks in the stroller, taking baths, riding in the Moby wrap and shopping at Target. She has started sleeping for longer stretches at night 5 to 6+ hours in a row. Naps are a little more inconsistent, but she's getting there and her swing is a lifesaver. She is eating every 3 hours during the day and most days start promptly at 7am. She has started smiling, but you have to work for it and after diaper changes, she coo's happily on her changing pad. I am back at work twice a week for a few hours after her 10am feeding and she usually sleeps while I'm working, but if she's awake her daddy and grandma Sue are happy to entertain her.

Before Margo was a twinkle in our eyes, I saw this onesie-in-a-bag at the toy store and had to buy it. Mysterio predicted that Margo will be: 


I hope to pass on my love of polka dots, thankfully she looks good in them :)

We got a Wubbanub on the claim that they help the pacifier stay in the baby's mouth. So far it works as advertised...except when Moose takes it from her. He's only taken it once, but he always seems interested when it's close by.

It's hard to believe that May is rapidly approaching and she is two months old! I can't wait for this summer with her and to see how she continues to grow and change.

Monday, April 11, 2016

opening day

Happy Opening Day! In St. Louis baseball is more than a past time, it's a way of life and we're all excited to welcome the Birds on the bat back to Busch! I can't wait to take Margo to her first game and for our first 2016 game of the season. Go Cards!

Monday, March 28, 2016

margo: one month

I feel like I said this when I was pregnant, but now it's even more true: time is flying by!! Our sweet little Margo is one month old and she's growing like a cute little weed! She had her one month well check today and she weighed in at a whopping 8 pounds and 4 ounces (28th percentile) and is 20 inches long (20th percentile).

So far she has been a great sleeper, eater and a very proficient pooper! Alex and I joke that we have never discussed poop more in our lives than we have this month. Margo's current favorite hobbies are snuggling, sleeping and eating. She tolerates tummy time, Moose and getting her diaper changed. Her favorite book is Dr. Seuss's ABC book and her favorite song is the Macarena (she hasn't said it's her favorite, but she doesn't complain when I sing it...).

tummy time and reading her ABC's book with daddy

meeting Moose

Our sweet girl has gotten to meet most of her local cousins, aunts and uncles. She gets to visit her daddy and grandma Sue at work a couple times a week and has inherited the love of Target from me. She has also gotten to visit several of our favorite eateries and coffee shops, as well as her first trip to Ikea- she wasn't too impressed (give it time).

visiting daddy at work

I can't imagine going back to life before Margo, she is the perfect addition to our little family. I am so excited to see her grow and feel so blessed and lucky to get to be her mama.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

happy 4th birthday moose

With all of our excitement lately we almost forgot Moose's birthday, but don't worry he was not to be forgotten! Margo and I sang happy birthday to him, he got to go on an extra long walk and I gave him a few extra treats.

Even as he gets older, he is still our energetic, playful pup. He loves to go for long walks, chase and bark at squirrels, play with both of the Max's in his life and snuggle on the couch.  He doesn't really mind/notice Margo and has been great with all of the changes she has brought to our lives. We love this little pup and can't imagine life without him. 

Happy Birthday Moose Man Magoo!!

If you want to check out how he's grown check out his first, second and third birthday's.