Sunday, September 23, 2012

I'm Golden!

Today is my "Golden Birthday" meaning: I turned 23 on the 23rd. Exciting far I have indulged in ice cream and a cupcake. I have also received cards, phone calls, face times and messages from well wishers. My mom even got me a golden wig...she's pretty great.
We're those sad people who get our dog a treat for our special occasions...
Alex also has something up his sleeve for our dinner plans, so I'll keep you posted. 
Happy Birthday to Me  (and my Mom yesterday)!

Pink Elephant

On I-55 near Livingston there is an antique shop/mall that always catches my eye. They have a giant pink elephant, space ship, ice cream cone and a lot of other unidentifiable objects littering the front lawn of an old school turned antique store. I always want to stop on our way to Springfield/Decatur and Alex never wants to. But, yesterday I decided that we were going to go see what they have to offer....
We had a good time looking at their odd collection of "antiques" (apparently Hannah Montana paraphernalia is antique...). I tried on a lot of "fur" coats, silly hats and jewelry. Alex didn't admit to finding anything that caught his eye, but I know he secretly wanted to wear some "fur" too...

Also, the previously mentioned ginormous ice cream cone is a working ice cream stand. So, we had to indulge....I got Dirt 'N Worms- vanilla ice cream with marshmallow fluff, Oreo's and gummy worms- it was quite tasty. Alex had chocolate with brownie bits (less adventurous, but still good). 

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Thirty Thursday's {4}

Week 4 and still going strong! Topic: List 5 things you would tell your 16 year-old self, if you could.

1. This is just the beginning.
2. Enjoy living at home...everything is free (ish). 
3. Pick and choose your friends wisely. 
4. You're never going to have to take another math class, so don't sweat the small one really cares about geometry anyway.
5. You're smarter than you give yourself credit for. 

1. Treat that Abby girl right, you're going to marry her.
2. Don't work so much-enjoy high school.
3. Play more Halo- you won't ever have as much free time again.
4. Don't worry about fitting in.
5. Be more confident in your abilities.