Thursday, April 27, 2017

margo: fourteen months

Our sweet girl is growing before our eyes! This month Margo has started standing on her own and even daring to take a few independent steps! It is so incredible to watch her grow, learn, and explore! Her routine hasn't changed much and thankfully she's flexible because we spent 13 days away from home this month (the bathroom saga will be fully unveiled soon).

She loves to be with people and will happily wave to anyone looking her way. She loves her Moose dog, going for walks and having our undivided attention while she plays (but she'll happily entertain herself). It's still a little surreal that this babbling, almost walking babe is our tiny baby from last year. I am so thankful that I have gotten to stay home with her and not miss a thing. I can't wait to see what this summer has in store!

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Easter 2017

Between camping and Easter, Margo and I stayed at my parents house while our bathroom was being redone (that's a post for another day). We got to hangout with my mama, Linda and Kacey during the day and Finley, Scout, Micah, my dad and Wayne in the evenings. It was good week and capped off with everyone else coming home for Easter! Alex came over on Saturday and Margo and I were thrilled to see him! That evening FCC had an Easter egg hunt, so Margo got to participate in her first hunt! She did great and found 2 eggs! On Sunday we were up and at 'em celebrating Jesus' resurrection. We had a great weekend with family, celebrating that He is risen!

Isaiah 53:5
But he was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his wounds we are healed!

Monday, April 24, 2017

camping: johnson shut in's

Alex and I have been wanting to get away for a while, but Margo makes that a bit trickier than we'd like to admit. So instead of going somewhere exotic, we decided to go camping (April 6-9th)! We borrowed my parents pop up camper and headed south to the Johnson Shut In's. 

We had a wonderful time and while Margo ate a few more acorns and twigs than I'd like, she was a happy camper! We set up camp in a jiffy (after we figured out how to get the camper off the trailer hitch) and then made a tasty dinner of hot dogs. We made a fire every night because it was quite windy and cold, Margo slept in 3+ layers!

We went on a couple of hikes, a lot of walks around the camp ground and relaxed and unplugged with no cell signal or wifi. We'd go back in a heartbeat and are looking forward to our next camping trip in June.

eating lunch in the sun

She pushed her toy all over the camp ground