Tuesday, December 27, 2016

margo: ten months

We have had such a great year, it's surreal to think that our sweet Margo is 10 months old! She is weighing in at 18.6 pounds, 27 inches long and her little noggin is 41.6cm. Her appointment at the endocrinologist went really well and all of our prayers were answered. The doctor saw no cause for concern and thinks she is a healthy little babe. As long as she is growing and her growth is following her growth curve (even if she is on the small side), she should be fine. She is meeting her milestones at or ahead of the average and is right on track.

We have a crawler!! She has been crawling all over and has started pulling up! She proudly claps for herself after she sneezes, sits up, crawls, finds a new toy and for Moose when he walks by. She is becoming so much friendlier with strangers and flirts with almost everyone who gives her attention. It has been so much fun to watch her grow and develop her own personality. She is definitely a mama's girl.  When she's tired, hungry, crabby, etc. she wants me to be there to comfort her. It's a curse and a blessing- I know I'll miss it when she doesn't want me anymore, but it does make it hard to pass her off to others when I need a minute away.

She loves food and eats whatever we're eating (unless it's spicy) and she still loves bananas and cottage cheese. She wants whatever toy Moose is playing with and loves her little piano. She hasn't paid too much attention to the Christmas tree so I'm thankful we didn't have to have a battle of wills. I'm excited to continue watching her grow and learn. This year has been so much fun, I can't wait to see what 2017 has in store!

we went for a walk and I forgot her mittens, she didn't seem to mind my gloves

she likes to help me with laundry 

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