Sunday, November 27, 2016

margo: nine months

Our little peanut is growing before our eyes! She had a doctor's appointment and weighed 18.6lbs (42%ile), measured 26.5" (17%ile) and her little noggin was 41cm (0%ile). Her doctor is still concerned with her height and head circumference, so we'll be heading to an endocrinologist for a second opinion right before Christmas.  

So much has happened in the last month- Halloween, an election, our friends moved in next door, Thanksgiving and now we're decorating for Christmas! Margo has been such a trooper and is growing and learning new things every day. Some of her newest tricks include clapping, waving, demonstrating that she's "sooooo big!" and feeding herself finger foods. 

Her new milestones seem to be coming in clusters, but she still isn't crawling. She rolls across the room and scoots when she really wants a toy, but she's not crawling...she's not in any rush and I think I'm ok with it. Either way, she is a happy girl. 

Her schedule is still the same: two 2-hour naps (9a-11a and 1a-3p) and nursing four times a day (7a, 11a, 3p, 7p) and eating solids twice a day (8a and 5p ish) and sleeping from 7pm to 7am ish. Her favorite food is cottage cheese and she really liked turkey on Thanksgiving, so we'll add that into her diet more regularly. We still go on frequent walks, albeit a little more bundled up,  we read books, play with Little People and sing silly songs. 

We are so smitten with this girl and it is so much fun getting to see her grow and achieve new milestones!

we voted and have the stickers to prove it!

mid-stroll photo session 

patiently waiting for naptime

she's a proud Blues fan!

practicing for our Christmas card pictures

snuggling with cousin Nora

 bath time with cousin Atley

Margo's one and only Thanksgiving picture
her onesie says "Gobble til you Wobble"

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