Hello there! It has been one hectic May (not that I'd change it)! We have been here there and almost everywhere...in the Metro East. I don't have many pictures, so this will just be a lot of words, here goes:
Our weeks are filled with work, Cardinals games (woohoo!), meeting with the youth group, meeting with our small group, training for a half marathon (which is in less than two weeks....eek!), getting coffee with friends and of course hanging out with our main man Moose. As if that is not enough awesomeness, we jam pack our weekends with all sorts of fun. Here is a look back at our past three weekends....
The weekend of Friday May 2 to Sunday May 4:
Friday was the Trailhead Students Lock-in! It went great and we had a lot of fun and so did the students. We slept for a few hours but not nearly enough for the work we made for ourselves on Saturday.
--Back Story: When we purchased our home we knew that the landscaping on one side was not ideal for water to flow away from our house. We also knew that the basement had a history of moisture. Our inspector told Alex what would need to be done to (hopefully) remedy the situation.--
So on Saturday, after maybe four hours of restless sleep, we decided that we should tackle the landscape. We dug out a tree...yes with a shovel, then removed about 9 full wheel barrel loads of dirt to grade the landscape away from our house and down the hill a bit (the rocks and such were above the siding with no visible foundation, we now see some of the foundation). Then I Face-timed with my Dad who was the engineer from afar, to get his approval. He said good, not great and then after my defeated sigh and a bit of coercion, my parents agreed to come over and help us on Sunday afternoon.
I'm not sure if my parents qualify for sainthood yet, but mark my words, they meet all the requirements! On Sunday, they came over and my Dad and Alex removed even more dirt, moved the paver/brick things three feet further from the house, dug some sort of a trench to get the water to flow how they wanted it and added half a ton of rocks, literally, it was half of one ton! After the hard work was done, I planted some flowers to give us a cute little garden and both Alex and my Dad slept well that night! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
--We are pleased to announce that after a few storms with substantial rain, we still have a dry basement! Hopefully the landscaping did the trick.--
I don't have an after picture of the front yard yet. We're still planning more projects, more on that later. |
The weekend of Friday May 9 to Sunday May 11:
On Friday I rested...Alex played poker with some friends. Not too wild of a night in the Williams' house. Then Saturday we woke up went on our long run and came home to manicure our lawn. We mowed, weed eated...ate? I even got to use the blower and we made sure everything was clean and ready for a party. Alex's brother, Greg, graduated from SIU-E with his Masters degree and we had the honor of hosting his party! It was a great evening full of eating and hanging out with friends and family. We are so proud of Greg and are exited for his next adventure at University of Kentucky, but we will really miss having him around. On Sunday, we headed to Carlyle to celebrate our niece and nephew's birthday's. These kids are growing up far to quickly and frankly I'm not ok with it. The party was great and the kids did not go without. We got to see Alex's mom at the party and wish her a Happy Mother's Day and I called my Mama about 3 times to make sure she felt loved. :)
Last weekend:
We had no plans!! It was great! We did a little shopping, a little eating, a little cheering (Go Birds!!) and a little resting.
We are so grateful for everyone and everything in our lives. In this season of our lives, we are truly enjoying the hustle and bustle of life and all the celebrations involved. We have an amazing family and group of friends, God has given us far more than we could ever ask for or imagine. It's hard to imagine that he could have so much more in store for us. God is so, so very good.
We have two more weekends left in May and they are quite full, so hopefully I get back on track blogging and there won't be any more super word-y posts!